Acwsalcta Christmas Concert
The Christmas Concert is over! And for the musical director of the musical, "A Teddy Bear Christmas", that would be moi, what a relief! My stress level is down many notches today. The choir, kids from K-6, started rehearsing the songs right after Remembrance Day, and we learned 3 songs for the performance. Another song was sung by a soloist, 7-year old Tamika, in grade 2; the other song was way too schlocky and I knew that no one would want to sing it, so I turned it into a poem for the actors to recite, particularly since it summed up the whole message of the play, which was that it's not the presents that are important, but rather, being with family and friends. The acting was done by the grade 11 & 12 students, as there is no way that any of the younger kids would act. The choir rehearsals were often so frustrating that I wanted to scream at the little sods to get rid of their bad attitude and just sing and enjoy yourself, and there were many times that I just wanted to QUIT and WALK OUT and let some other masochist do something for the concert. But, persevere I did, and the final performance was a big success. The choir members all held teddy bears and wore bear masks, and were really quite cute.
And for Christmas this year, I got the best present imaginable - they're going to split my grade 1/2 class for the morning so that I will be teaching just the 12 grade 1s in the morning, and reading assistance in the afternoon. There will be another teacher to teach the grade 2s in the morning, and the 1/2 class will be combined for the afternoon, as it is now. The morning is when all the academic subjects are taught, reading, writing, spelling, and math. This means that I will be able to do a much better job, and really put my Orton-Gillingham training to the test: how well will the grade 1s be able to read after almost a whole year of learning to read the O-G way? That is the question.
Christmas plans this year include a quick trip to Halifax to celebrate Ruthie's 70th birthday. Then its off to Washington State for my annual Christmas meditation course.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!
Please feel free to post some comments, send Christmas greetings, or whatever!