Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Busy Busy Summer

This is the first summer I haven't gone on a long trip and vacated Bella Coola. Well, have I ever been busy! The first big thing that happened is that I moved, yes, again. I am now living in a funky log house, complete with big garden, and a huge lawn.

I built a run for the chickens, borrowed a friend's unused chicken house, then moved my four girls over. I figure now I'm in my homesteading stage of life. I planted a big garden, though the fertility of the soil leaves something to be desired, but that's something I will work on. Using the chicken doodoo, the monstrous pile of grass clippings from mowing the field, and with the addition of some horse poopoo from a neighbour and lots of dead leaves this fall, I will have a really fertile year!

I finally brought my kayak up here and have gone on two overnight camping trips, and several paddles. Wow, when there's no wind, this place is fantastic for paddling. Unfortunately, the wind usually picks up around 10:00 a.m. by which time you have to be off the water.

Last Sunday, four of us went for a trip to Stillwater Lake. Fortunately, I have had the use of a monster vehicle with four-wheel drive, as we needed it for this trip. We drove for an hour up valley, then for another hour on an old logging road, average speed, 5 km/hour. Then there was a 4 km hike, and, after crossing this crazy bridge,

we arrived at the lake. There were two canoes there, and we paddled to the end of the lake and back, then did the whole thing in reverse.

It was a fantastic day! Next time we'll stay overnight.

I just finished the first course of my on-line program in Special Education from the University of Saskatchewan. For the final presentation, I did a series of video clips and posted them on YouTube.

If you want to watch the first one, you can go to

If you want to see more of my video clips, including the rest of my presentation (not likely!), look on the right side of the screen, and you will see "More From: Acwsalcta". Click on here, and all my other video clips will come up. Enjoy!


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