Saturday, March 11, 2006

Bella Coola on a sunny day, is a beautiful place to be.

The Bella Coola River glides slowly past, a gentle stream in winter.

The snow capped peaks tower in all directions.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Bella Coola Valley Sustainable Agriculture Society

It's very easy to get involved in things here in Bella Coola. Just look sideways at someone while doing your grocery shopping at the Co-op, and before you know it, you've volunteered for something!

Two years ago, when I was trying to get someone to plow the garden plot for the kids to plant potatoes in, I meet a few Valley old-timers who have been involved in farming and gardening here in the Valley for years. One of them, Clarence Hall, is a grizzled, and very friendly fellow in his late 70s, who will regale you with his story of getting attacked by a cougar every time you see him. Clarence is a long time gardener, and locally famous for growing 3 pound potatoes! He swears by chicken manure for all your garden fertiliaing needs,, though of course, it helps that he happens to raise chickens, and so has a ready supply of the stuff. Clarence came to the garden plot initially to diagnose the grass that covered the site - was it the dastardly wire grass that will grow right through potatoes and has to be pulled out by hand??? Luckily, no! It was just some benign green grass which could be plowed under. The question was, who could I get to plow the garden? Clarence was so enthusiastic about the project, that he offered to phone around to some of his farmer buds, and next thing I know, I get a message for farmer Dave Methven. Two days later, the garden was plowed. Realize that by that time, I had been trying to get the garden plowed for about 2 months, working through the economic development officer at the Band Office, and thus far, nothing had happenend. So I was extremely happy to finally meet a man of action! A few days after that, I was 'volunteered' to become part of the board for the newly formed "Bella Coola Valley Sustainable Agriculture Society"! And shortly thereafter, was given the "Education Portfolio"! This was all back in the spring of 2004.

The Society, better known as the BCVSAS, or SAS for short, has grown and prospered, and just held it's first AGM last week. Check out the photo: farmer Dave is the jolly looking fellow who gets many comparisons to Santa Claus, though for his looks only. Dave refuses to let children get near him for the most part, and sticks with the 'bah humbug' philosophy on the whole Christmas foofaraw. Clarence is the guy in the front row with the red and black plaid shirt and ear-flap hat. Yours truly is in black on the right.

This year, I hope to get the kids "growing" again soon. We're going to plant indoor salad....meaning that we're going to grow a variety of 'sweet' lettuce and greens in the classroom. I figure that the 'sweet' aspect of the varieties I've chosen will get them enthusiastic about actually eating something remotely resembling a vegetable..... We're also going to plant some nasturtiums for Mother's Day. They'll decorate the 'pots' - recycled cans - and by May they'll each have a nice little bouquet of flowers for Mom. Other plans this year include planting potatoes, carrots, beets, and squash in raised beds near the school. These beds are going to be the first step in the creation of the new "Four Mile Community Garden" being developed by the SAS.