Monday, April 17, 2006

Shit Disturber

Does this little cutie look like a 'shit disturber' to you? Of course, when you hear those words, an image comes into your mind, something like, he wouldn't stop talking all day, or, he was fighting with the other kids, or, he was throwing rocks on the playground, or, he wouldn't stay in his seat, or, and the list could go on and on as the possibilities are endless. Well, actually, this little cutie did none of the above when he 'disturbed the shit.' What he did was, literally, disturb some shit. How does one little boy do that, you might well ask? He stepped in it! One of those lovely big turds the local laddies leave out on the playground where all the little kiddies play. Well, after recess that fateful day, he comes walking all the way across the class to tell me very nicely, though rather urgently, "Ms. Jay, I stepped in dog poo on the playground!" And as he said it, the wonderful smell of fresh shit came wafting to my nose, and with horror I gasped "Oh, Jaidn," and then I realized with disgust, that not only was the poo on the bottom of his shoe, which he so politely showed me, but that he had walked the offensive stuff all the way across the classroom, and there was a trail of shitty little footprints tracked across the carpet. Simultaneously as I was smelling the pleasant 'eau de poo' and looking with dismay at his shoe and the poo prints, Jaidn was asking me, with great concern on his face and consternation in his voice, "What do I do?" Yes, indeed, what should he do? Of course, at that point, he decides to walk back out of the classroom, leaving yet another trail of poo prints. Aagggghhhhh! Well, we get him out of the classroom, and I told him to take off his shoes and put them in a plastic bag. Then, of course, what to do with the poopy prints on the carpet??? And what to do with the eager little bodies in their seats complaining about the smell, "Eeeeeeew! I smell doggie doo!" Hey, let me tell ya, they sure don't prepare you for these kinda situations when you're in education school, believe me. Problem solving, poop 100, introductory lesson! So, I got my trusty TA, Cecilia, to keep the little bodies occupied with math while I went off to collect supplies. The secretary phoned the cleaning staff, and they told me to put disinfectant spray on doo. OK. Done. Well, the actual little bits of the stuff are still there! Disiinfectant spray does not get rid of the stuff, only masks the smell a little. OK, so now what? Yes, face it, you gotta get a bucket with soapy water and SCRUB the stuff off the carpet. So, I rounded up a bucket and some gloves, put bleach and soap in, got a cloth, and spent the next 15 minutes on my hands and knees scrubbing the poo spots off the carpet. What a truly 'shitty' job teaching is at times!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Snow and Sun for Acwsalcta Snow Day!

About 70 students and staff from Acwsalcta, as well as parent volunteers, drove to East Branch for “Snow Day” on Thursday, March 23. Sunny blue skies, fresh snow, and mild temperatures made for a perfect day for the event. Kids of all ages enjoyed tobogganing on the hill, as well as snow shoeing and cross-country skiing. The tobogganing highlight was a ride in the “boat” – a small, shallow, plastic row boat which held about 8 kids at a time. Once aimed down the hill, it was a fast and exciting run down, and a thrill for both riders and watchers.

A trip to the outhouse was an adventure, as the snow was waist deep in some places – several kids got stuck and had to be pulled out of the snow. A hot dog lunch was provided, and there was a blazing fire for warming cold hands and roasting marshmallows. The only mishap of the day was on the drive home, when Chris Nelson’s car ran over a rock on the way back down the hill, puncturing his transmission! Thanks to Dana Drugan for organizing the event, and for all the staff, parents, and volunteers who helped out.