Saturday, April 26, 2008

Worms, Potatoes, and Other Growing Things

What have my little darlings been doing these days? Well, lately we've been growing and harvesting stuff (and not just the mouldy stuff that grows in their cubbies on the food they leave in there!). Since the fall, we've had a worm bin in our class room, and after feeding the little wrigglers lots of goodies like apple and pear cores, cabbage leaves, and their favorite coffee grounds, we finally decided to harvest all the nice poo they've been pooing for us, aka compost! Here are the little dears on worm poo harvesting day.

We've also been growing potatoes in our classroom - and the kids love being "Spud Buddies". Actually, what they don't know, is that when I say 'spud buddies' and they respond by putting their hands up in the air, that this is really a cleverly designed strategy for them to get their hands out of the dirt.........!

What else have we been growing? We're growing carrots and radishes in our "root view box" - it has plexiglass on one side with a cover that slides on and off so we can watch the roots, and the radishes and carrots growing underground. We grew nasturtiums for Mother's Day, and in a week or two, we'll get down to some hard-core gardening when we plant our early summer salad garden!