Friday, December 19, 2008

Oh I Believe in Santa Claus.....

....and he believes in me oh. Just some of the lyrics to one of the songs I conducted this year at the Acwsalcta Christmas Concert. It is always a big event in the community, and this year was no exception. I conducted grades 1-4 in the 'Christmas Orchestra' - a piece I created using zylophones, hand bells, chanting and a little song. Then was the grade 1/2 class doing a dance I choreographed to the song "Run Rudolph Run" - a rock and roll song which, finally, the kids did get a little enthusiastic about and groove to the beat. They looked really cute in their little antlers. The photo is them posed the next day with their antlers on. Then was the grade 1-4 choir singing 2 songs, with actions and percussion instruments. Next up was the grade 5 class doing 2 songs, one of which included dressing up their teacher like a snowman, bit by bit. Then there was the Elvis Wannabees, a new band consisting of me on piano, Keith on electric guitar, a friend on drums, and Lori and Laurena, teachers, on vocals. We sang "Santa Bring My Baby Back to Me". Then there was another song by the female staff, "Oh Where Have you Been, Mr. Claus" in which they lamented that their stockings were empty. Santa did arrive while they were sleeping (onstage) and filled their stockings, before sneaking off. These were all the acts I created. There were a couple of short plays, then an 'a capella' version of Silent Night, and a Christmas carol sung in Tongan, and that rounded out the evening.

In my less lucid moments, I've been thinking about doing a talent show in the I insance or what? Really, I'd just rather do some non-Christmas stuff on stage.

My last Christmas show before I head off and do the Buddhist thing is to play for the United Church service on Sunday - a service of carols and readings. Whoops, better go and practice for that one....!

I'm off to Spirit Rock meditation center near San Francisco for an 8-day meditation retreat. I'll come back all ready for the New Year.

Have a happy holiday season everyone. More blogging in 2009!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Bear Tracks

The last few weekends I've gone X-country skiing 'up top'. Up top means up on the Chilcotin Plateau, which has completely different weather than we do down here in the valley. Up there in the winter, its cold, snowy, and generally clear and sunny, when its not snowing, that is. Down here, its generally mild, rainy, and cloudy, quite dreary actually. So we skiers escape the valley, drive up above the valley weather, and get our weekly dose of sun.

Last week, skiing was a little bit more exciting than usual, because there were some very large bear tracks on the ski trail.

The question was, where was the bear? How old were the tracks? Were we in danger of encountering the bear somewhere along the trail?

We kept on skiing, and for probably a couple of kilometres, the bear tracks accompanied us, right along the trail. Then they veered off into the woods, and then a while later, they were back on the trail.

Fortunately, we never did see the bear. As we skied along, it started getting darker and darker, and up ahead there were some very ominous looking black clouds. Then, it started raining - so, with bad weather ahead, and a bear who knows where, we decided to play it safe, turn around and ski back, and call it a day.