Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer Holidays!!

Yes, I made it through another year as a Grade 1 teacher at Acwsalcta School. It was a very difficult year, and I'm glad that it's over. I just signed a contract for my NEW job at Acwsalcta: teacher librarian.

Being a classroom teacher was not a profession I ever thought I'd end up in, but after teaching music for a year and realizing that it was not what I wanted to do either, I tried out classroom teacher. Well, the money is good, and I kept at it for six years, though realizing more and more that it's not what I wanted either. Fortunately, the new principal realized that the school library needed a qualified teacher librarian to bring our library up to optimal standards, and I got the job. I am enrolled in the teacher librarian diploma program at UBC and will start courses in the fall. I will still teach music, as well as "library" classes to each grade, once a week. No report cards, no dealing with parents. Wow, this will be like a paid holiday after what I've been through over the last six years!

I haven't posted anything since I wrote about my upright bass. Things are progressing with learning this challenging instrument - lots of practicing scales and arpeggios, developing strength in both my hands, working on intonation, figuring out where the notes are, playing songs by ear, listening to bass lines and learning them, and playing music with my fiddle group, as well as playing along with the greats - I play along with CDs I like, so I can really play along with anyone I want. The big event for me this summer is going to a "Swing Music Camp" where I'll be playing my bass. Swing camp includes morning workshops on your instrument, then lots of other workshops, such as swing dance, jazz choir, big band, small ensembles, etc. The camp is in Sorrento, and it will be my second big road trip in my still relatively new car.

In May, I was lucky that I was able to take a week off and go to a blues music workshop on Hornby Island. Gary Kendall, of Downchild Blues Band, was the bass teacher. A great guy, and fun to hang out with someone who's been in the music business his whole life.

Met lots of interesting people, lots of great food, played a little music (not nearly enough), and hung out on some great beaches on Hornby Island. There were some fantastic musicians teaching at the camp, including David Gogo, Mark Atkinson, Suzie Vinnick, Little Miss Higgins, Billie Hicks, and Paul Pigat. I put 2395 km on my car getting there and back.

The week I got back, I was part of a concert that I organized called "Making Music Together: The All Valley Schools Concert." I got the three schools together and we put on a big concert in the community hall. The first half featured each school performing their own acts, including choir and band. The second half featured a mass choir, with kids from all three schools, singing three songs together, followed by a mass band, featuring the bands from two schools. It was a very successful event, and everyone in the community thought it was great. I was asked if it was the first annual, and I think it is. It was a great way to promote lots of good energy between all three schools.

Summer. Every teacher's reward. I've got a big garden again this year, so that will keep me busy: weeding, feeding, watering, eating and harvesting. The cherries are almost ripe, and this year I want to have at least 20 gallons in my freezer. I'm working on some original kids' songs which I'm going to notate, record a demo, and work on getting published. I'll be volunteering and attending the Discovery Coast Music Festival in late July, and billeting one of the bands. August is Swing Camp, and at the end of August, Ruthie and Mary are coming out to visit. I'll also just be relaxing, reading, kayaking, hiking, writing, hanging out with friends, and generally having a great time in beautiful Bella Coola. Come on up for a visit!!